Posisi Lowongan Kerja PT. RBH OSK Securities Indonesia

Published: 2014-05-14

Update Informasi Seputar Posisi Lowongan Pekerjaan dalam Kegiatan Mikroskil Career Expo 2014 (Jum'at & Sabtu, 23-24 Mei 2014) Kampus C Lt. V Mikroskil, Jl. Thamrin No. 112 Medan

Posisi Lowongan Kerja PT. RHB OSK Securities Indonesia

Associate Trainee

The Associate Trainee Programme is specially designed to develop the next generation of leaders within the Equity, division. The programme is an ideal entry point to prepare high potential individuals for leadership roles through a series of structured training programmes, rotations and stretched assignments in Equity Branches.
1. Degree in Finance, Economics, Accountancy, Business, Engineering or related disciplines (with CGPA above 3.00)
2. Fresh graduates / graduates with less than 1 years of working experience
3. Candidates with other professional qualifications will have an added advantage
4. High level of motivation and energy
5. Passion for excellence
6. Good interpersonal and communication skills
7. Self confident, self driven and mature.

Bagi Teman-teman yang berminat dan ingin mengetahui Syarat yang dibutuhkan serta Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Job description posisi tersebut datang dan bawa surat lamaran Anda serta serahkan langsung kebagian HRD PT. RHB OSK Securities Indonesia di saat kegiatan Mikroskil Career Expo 2014 (23-24 Mei 2014) Pkl.09.00 – 17.00 Wib. Kampus C Lantai V Mikroskil Jl. Thamrin No. 112 Medan